1. Sign Up
The marketplace can be viewed and navigated while the user is not logged in. However, functionality is limited in terms of being able to post or bid on projects or message other users.
1.1 Client/Company signup To post projects a client just needs to create an account, verify their email and complete their profile
1.2 Provider signup A provider signing up is slightly more involved as to ensure Formwork Marketplace has providers of the highest quality, there is a vetting process. When signing up it is imperative for the Provider to complete their bio to evaluate their skill and experience and if they are a 3D BIM or 2D CAD provider it is also compulsory to upload a short portfolio of past work as well as complete the survey questionnaire to evaluate skill and experience. Formwork Marketplace management will vet their account and if the provider meets our standards we will be activate allowing them to bid on projects. Additionally to place bids a provider will need to make themselves payable. This involves linking their Stripe account with Formwork Marketplace. Lastly it is important that a Provider selects what their specialties and industries are so that they can be notified of posted projects in their field of expertise.
1.3 Notes There is no cost for creating an account on Formwork Marketplace, nor is there a subscription or any fees involved for providers. The only cost is a percentage fee on the cost of a project and that is covered by the client paying for the project.
2.Posting projects
Anyone with an account can post a project and receive bids on it
2.1 How to post A client can post a project from their home page. Postings must include specialization and discipline so Projects can be searchable and providers that have the skills to do the work can be notified that a project that matches their skillset has been posted. It almost must include a final date for when they will be accepting bids. Other things that a project posting can include estimated budget, preferred completion date, as well as any necessary images or documents to give the providers bidding a good idea about the scope of the project.
2.2 Receiving bids Providers will bid on the posted project with their quoted price, payment terms and estimated completion date. The providers profile can also be viewed so their info, past work and reviews can be taken into consideration.
2.3 Choosing a provider Based on the bids received the client can choose to deny or accept a bid. If a bid is denied the provider can re bid on the same project if they want to lower their quoted price. If a bid is accepted and the provider confirms they can still do the project then the the client will pay according to the agreed to payment terms and work can commence.
3. Bidding on projects
A provider will be notified when projects that match their specialties disciplines are posted. Also a provider can search for suitable projects using keywords.
3.1 Placing a bid A provider bids on a project specifying their fee, their estimated completion date, how they want to get paid (milestone installments or 20% upfront/80% on completion). Providers also have the option to include notes or attachments showing past work to boost their chances of their bid being accepted.
3.2 Notes Providers are able to message the client posting a project to ask any relevant questions for understanding the scope of the project. However they are not allowed to use this feature to circumvent the payment through Formwork Marketplace as this would expose both parties to risk and violate our Terms and Conditions.
4. Features
4.1Reviews Upon completion of a project clients and Providers are able to post reviews about their experiences working with each other that can be publicly viewed.
4.2 Profile customization Users are able to write ibos about themselves and attach files of all different types (including .rvt for BIM) to show their work.
4.3 Dispute resolution Formwork management has systems in place to deal with any issues between clients and providers. Formwork Marketplace does their best to ensures that both parties will have a positive experience on the platform where their transaction is safe and the project is completed to a high quality.
4.4 Support Formwork Marketplace has support available at all times for any potential issues, whether it is users needing help getting situated with the Marketplace, technical issues with the site or transaction issues. support@formworkmarketplace.com
5. Important info
5.1 Referral Bonus Users that refer other users will receive a 5% cash bonus on that users first transaction through the platform. Contact admin@formworkmarketplace.com for more information
5.2 Anti -circumvention As there is a commission fee added to the cost of a project. Clients may be tempted to try circumvent performing the transaction through Formwork Marketplace. Firstly this violates Formwork terms and conditions; but also it presents significant risk to both parties as the transaction of service will not be insured and supported by the Formwork Marketplace systems. Additionally we will provide a bonus to any user that reports other users attempting to circumvent Formwork Marketplace. Contact admin@formworkmarketplace.com to report violations or for more information